This project is so easy anyone could do it- sewing machine or not! At first I resisted the idea of a splat mat / highchair mat, but after wiping the floor under Shepard’s seat at the table day after day… meal after meal, I thought one could save me some clean up time.

Shepard really is a good eater, but crumbs, dropped milk cups, and treats for the kitty happen to end up on the floor when you’re a growing boy! And this fun splat mat helps keep the house feeling clean when it may in fact be covered in a few crumbs or milk. Just wipe it clean or shake out before cleaning the floor.

I found this fabric at Walmart on a big bolt and had them cut a yard and a half. But you could easily use a cute vinyl tablecloth as well. I think I paid around $4.50 and a seasonal table cloth would cost about the same. 


Cut the fabric into your desired shape: circle, square, rectangle- get creative! I cut mine square 41” x 41” and rounded off the corners using a plate as a template. (Just make sure the width of your mat will fit between your table legs if your child sits at the table.) Finish the edge one of three ways:

  1. Serge or zig-zag stitch 
  2. Leave as a raw edge 
  3. Add bias tape

Done! Now you can relax and enjoy mealtime with your little eater! 

It really is one of my favorite things, to watch Shepard eat… or rather stuff his face! We often have to pull his plate away so he won’t shove more food into his already very full mouth. We have these little plates and utensils for him now and love them. I still love his booster seat, easy to take to the grandparents house, easy to clean and works from first starting foods past toddlerhood. Let me know if you try out this easy splat mat!

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